Badge Deadlines and Procedures#

This page includes more visual versions of the information on the badge page. You should read both, but this one is often more helpful, because some of the processes take a lot of words to explain and make more sense with a diagram for a lot of people.

%matplotlib inline
import os
from datetime import date,timedelta
import calendar
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from myst_nb import glue
# style note: when I wrote this code, it was not all one cell. I merged the cells
# for display on the course website, since Python is not the main outcome of this course

# semester settings
first_day = date(2023,9,5)
last_day = date(2023,12,12)

no_class_ranges = [(date(2023,11,23),date(2023,11,26)),

meeting_days =[1,3] # datetime has 0=Monday
spring_break = (date(2023,3,11),date(2023,3,19))
penalty_free_end = date(2023, 9, 28)

def day_off(cur_date,skip_range_list):
    is the current date a day off? 

    cur_date :
        date to check
    skip_range_list : list of objects or 2-tuples of
        dates where there is no class, either single dates or ranges specified by a tuple

    day_is_off : bool
        True if the day is off, False if the day has class
    # default to not a day off
    for skip_range in skip_range_list:
        if type(skip_range) == tuple:
            # if any of the conditions are true that increments and it will never go down, flase=0, true=1
            day_is_off +=  skip_range[0]<=cur_date<=skip_range[1]
            day_is_off += skip_range == cur_date
    return day_is_off

# enumerate weeks
meeting_days =[1,3] # spring
mtg_delta = timedelta(meeting_days[1]-meeting_days[0])
week_delta = timedelta(7)

during_sb = lambda d: spring_break[0]<d<spring_break[1]

possible = [(first_day+week_delta*w, first_day+mtg_delta+week_delta*w) for w in range(weeks)]
weekly_meetings = [[c1,c2] for c1,c2 in possible if not(day_off(c1,no_class_ranges))]
meetings = [m for w in weekly_meetings for m in w]
meetings_string = [m.isoformat() for m in meetings]

# possible = [(first_day+week_delta*w, first_day+mtg_delta+week_delta*w) for w in range(weeks)]
# weekly_meetings = [[c1,c2] for c1,c2 in possible if not(during_sb(c1))]
meetings = [m for w in weekly_meetings for m in w if not(m in skips)]

# build a table for the dates
badge_types = ['experience', 'review', 'practice']
target_cols = ['review_target','practice_target']
df_cols = badge_types + target_cols
badge_target_df = pd.DataFrame(index=meetings, data=[['future']*len(df_cols)]*len(meetings),
                                   columns={'index': 'date'})
# set relative dates
today =
start_deadline = - timedelta(7)
complete_deadline = - timedelta(14)

# mark eligible experience badges
badge_target_df['experience'][badge_target_df['date'] <= today] = 'eligible'
# mark targets, cascading from most recent to oldest to not have to check < and >
badge_target_df['review_target'][badge_target_df['date'] <= today] = 'active'
badge_target_df['practice_target'][badge_target_df['date'] <= today] = 'active'
                          <= start_deadline] = 'started'
                            <= start_deadline] = 'started'
                          <= complete_deadline] = 'completed'
                            <= complete_deadline] = 'completed'
# mark enforced deadlines
badge_target_df['review'][badge_target_df['date'] <= today] = 'active'
badge_target_df['practice'][badge_target_df['date'] <= today] = 'active'
                          <= start_deadline] = 'started'
                            <= start_deadline] = 'started'
                          <= complete_deadline] = 'completed'
                            <= complete_deadline] = 'completed'
                          <= penalty_free_end] = 'penalty free'
                          <= penalty_free_end] = 'penalty free'

# convert to numbers and set dates as index for heatmap compatibility
status_numbers_hm = {status:i+1 for i,status in enumerate(['future','eligible','active','penalty free','started','completed'])}
badge_target_df_hm = badge_target_df.replace(status_numbers_hm).set_index('date')

# set column names to shorter ones to fit better
badge_target_df_hm = badge_target_df_hm.rename(columns={'review':'review(e)','practice':'practice(e)',
# build a custom color bar 
n_statuses = len(status_numbers_hm.keys())
manual_palette = [sns.color_palette("pastel", 10)[7],
                 sns.color_palette("colorblind", 10)[2],
                 sns.color_palette("muted", 10)[2],
                 sns.color_palette("colorblind", 10)[9],
                 sns.color_palette("colorblind", 10)[8],
                 sns.color_palette("colorblind", 10)[3]]
# generate the figure, with the colorbar and spacing
ax = sns.heatmap(badge_target_df_hm,cmap=manual_palette,linewidths=1)
# mote titles from bottom tot op
# pull the colorbar object for handling
colorbar = ax.collections[0].colorbar 
# fix the location fo the labels on the colorbar
r = colorbar.vmax - colorbar.vmin 
colorbar.set_ticks([colorbar.vmin + r / n_statuses * (0.5 + i) for i in range(n_statuses)])
# add a title
today_string = today.isoformat()
glue('today_notdisplayed',"not today",display=False)
ax.set_title('Badge Status as of '+ today_string); 
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 62
     58 week_delta = timedelta(7)
     60 during_sb = lambda d: spring_break[0]<d<spring_break[1]
---> 62 possible = [(first_day+week_delta*w, first_day+mtg_delta+week_delta*w) for w in range(weeks)]
     63 weekly_meetings = [[c1,c2] for c1,c2 in possible if not(day_off(c1,no_class_ranges))]
     64 meetings = [m for w in weekly_meetings for m in w]

NameError: name 'weeks' is not defined

Prepare work and Experience Badges Process#


This was changed substantively on 2023-09-08

This is for a single example with specific dates, but it is similar for all future dates

The columns (and purple boxes) correspond to branches in your KWL repo and the yellow boxes are the things that you have to do. The “critical” box is what you have to wait for us on. The arrows represent PRs (or a local merge for the first one)

sequenceDiagram participant P as prepare Sep 12 participant E as experience Sep 12 participant M as main note over P: complete prepare work<br/> between feb Sep 7 and Sep12 note over E: run experience badge workflow <br/> at the end of class Sep12 P ->> E: local merge or PR you that <br/> does not need approval note over E: fill in experience reflection critical Badge review by instructor or TA E ->> M: Experience badge PR option if edits requested note over E: make requested edits option when approved note over M: merge badge PR end

In the end the commit sequence for this will look like the following:

gitGraph commit commit checkout main branch prepare-2023-09-12 checkout prepare-2023-09-12 commit id: "" branch experience-2023-09-12 checkout experience-2023-09-12 commit id: "initexp" merge prepare-2023-09-12 commit id: "fillinexp" commit id: "revisions" tag:"approved" checkout main merge experience-2023-09-12

Where the “approved” tag represents and approving reivew on the PR.

Review and Practice Badge#


flowchart TD badgestatus[[Badge Status]] passive[/ something that has to occur<br/> not done by student /] student[Something for you to do] style badgestatus fill:#2cf decisionnode{Decision/if} sta[action a] stb[action b] decisionnode --> |condition a|sta decisionnode --> |condition b|stb subgraph phase[Phase] st[step in phase] end

This is the general process for review and practice badges

flowchart TD %% subgraph work[Steps to complete] subgraph posting[Dr Brown will post the Badge] direction TB write[/Dr Brown finalizes tasks after class/] post[/Dr. Brown pushes to github/] link[/notes are posted with badge steps/] posted[[Posted: on badge date]] write -->post post -->link post --o posted end subgraph planning[Plan the badge] direction TB create[/Dr Brown runs your workflow/] decide{Do you need this badge?} close[close the issue] branch[create branch] planned[[Planned: on badge date]] create -->decide decide -->|no| close decide -->|yes| branch create --o planned end subgraph work[Work on the badge] direction TB start[do one task] commit[commit work to the branch] moretasks[complete the other tasks] ccommit[commit them to the branch] reqreview[request a review] started[[Started <br/> due within one week <br/> of posted date]] completed[[Completed <br/>due within two weeks <br/> of posted date]] wait[/wait for feedback/] start --> commit commit -->moretasks commit --o started moretasks -->ccommit ccommit -->reqreview reqreview --> wait reqreview --o completed end subgraph review[Revise your completed badges] direction TB prreview[Read review feedback] approvedq{what type of review} merge[Merge the PR] edit[complete requested edits] earned[[Earned <br/> due by final grading]] discuss[reply to comments] prreview -->approvedq approvedq -->|changes requested|edit edit -->|last date to edit: May 1| prreview approvedq -->|comment|discuss discuss -->prreview approvedq -->|approved|merge merge --o earned end posting ==> planning planning ==> work work ==> review %% styling style earned fill:#2cf style completed fill:#2cf style started fill:#2cf style posted fill:#2cf style planned fill:#2cf

Explore Badges#

flowchart TD subgraph proposal[Propose the Topic and Product] issue[create an issue] proposed[[Proposed]] reqproposalreview[Assign it to Dr. Brown] waitp[/wait for feedback/] proceedcheck{Did Dr. Brown apply a proceed label?} branch[start a branch] progress[[In Progress ]] iterate[reply to comments and revise] issue --> reqproposalreview reqproposalreview --> waitp reqproposalreview --> proposed waitp --> proceedcheck proceedcheck -->|no| iterate proceedcheck -->|yes| branch branch --> progress iterate -->waitp end subgraph work[Work on the badge] direction TB moretasks[complete the work] ccommit[commit work to the branch] reqreview[request a review] wait[/wait for feedback/] complete[[Complete]] moretasks -->ccommit ccommit -->reqreview reqreview --o complete reqreview --> wait end subgraph review[Revise your work] direction TB prreview[Read review feedback] approvedq{what type of review} revision[[In revision]] merge[Merge the PR] edit[complete requested edits] earned[[Earned <br/> due by final grading]] prreview -->approvedq approvedq -->|changes requested|edit edit --> prreview edit --o revision approvedq -->|approved| merge merge --o earned end proposal ==> work work ==> review %% styling style proposed fill:#2cf style progress fill:#2cf style complete fill:#2cf style revision fill:#2cf style earned fill:#2cf

Build Badges#

flowchart TD subgraph proposal[Propose the Topic and Product] issue[create an issue] proposed[[Proposed]] reqproposalreview[Assign it ] waitp[/wait for feedback/] proceedcheck{Did Dr. Brown apply a proceed label?} branch[start a branch] progress[[In Progress ]] iterate[reply to comments and revise] issue --> reqproposalreview reqproposalreview --> waitp reqproposalreview --> proposed waitp --> proceedcheck proceedcheck -->|no| iterate proceedcheck -->|yes| branch branch --> progress iterate -->waitp end subgraph work[Work on the badge] direction TB commit[commit work to the branch] moretasks[complete the work] draftpr[Open a draft PR and <br/> request a review] ccommit[incorporate feedback] reqreview[request a review] wait[/wait for feedback/] complete[[Complete]] commit -->moretasks commit -->draftpr draftpr -->ccommit moretasks -->reqreview ccommit -->reqreview reqreview --> complete reqreview --> wait end subgraph review[Revise your work] direction TB prreview[Read review feedback] approvedq{what type of review} revision[[In revision]] merge[Merge the PR] edit[complete requested edits] earned[[Earned <br/> due by final grading]] prreview -->approvedq approvedq -->|changes requested|edit edit --> prreview edit -->revision approvedq -->|approved| merge merge --o earned end proposal ==> work work ==> review %% styling style proposed fill:#2cf style progress fill:#2cf style complete fill:#2cf style revision fill:#2cf style earned fill:#2cf

Community Badges#

These are the instructions from your file: For each one:

  • In the file on your kwl repo, add an item in a bulleted list (start the line with - )

  • Include a link to your contribution like [text to display](url/of/contribution)

  • create an individual pull request titled “Community-shortname” where shortname is a short name for what you did. approval on this PR by Dr. Brown will constitute credit for your grade

  • request a review on that PR from @brownsarahm


You want one contribution per PR for tracking

flowchart TD contribute[Make a contribution <br> *typically not in your KWL*] link[Add a link to your <br> contribution to your<br><br> in your KWL repo] pr[create a PR for that link] rev[request a review <br> from @brownsarahm] contribute --> link link --> pr --> rev rev --> approved[Dr. Brown approves] --> merge[Merge the PR] merge --o earned