Advice to future students

Advice to future students

Don’t fall behind on the work, even though all of the work is self-paced you do not want to be doing it all last minute. Also, make sure you re-read the notes after class to get a firmer grasp on what was taught and make sure to always do the prepare for next class work so that you won’t fall behind in class and you can follow along. – sp 22 student

To get the most out of CSC 392, students should come to class where there are in class activites to practice the content learned. Going over the notes is also a great way to refresh students with the subjects. Although students are given the ability to do work on their own time with the only due date being the end of the semester, I would advise everyone to start on their work at their soonest convenience. I did not always start on work the same week due to other work and outside responsibilities but working on this course work early was always better than doing it later. When you start early you are able to dive deeper into the course contents and have a better learning experience. – sp 22 student

Keep up! There’s a lot of interesting and useful work to be done in this class but don’t let the ability to turn things in at your own pace let you get behind. Additionally, if you’re going for an “A Creative” grade, map out your projects in advance and have a good plan for their execution. This class can really trip you up because it will cover concepts you might already know the basics of and go just that one step deeper.

—sp 22 student

Attend every class. Don’t be afraid to raise your hand and ask questions if you don’t understand or if you want to find out more about something. Be active and contribute to the cheat sheet and glossary, as this will help you memorize the class material and make you a pro. I strongly recommend choosing an A. In this class, projects are of your choice, and thus you have a variety of topics that you can choose. You can pick anything you like, and then the project is not that hard. I picked the things I wanted to know more about it, and the assignment got much easier. I truly liked finding out those things and doing the research. Getting an A wasn’t easy, but it’s not that bad at all. You have a lot of freedom in this class and you can make the schedule that works for you. And remember, you can always change your grade later if you feel like falling behind. Don’t worry! And Professor Brown is awesome, also during office hours, so don’t hesitate to ask for help.

—sp 22 student