15. What is an IDE

read about IDEs

compare IDEs

most popular IDEs

15.1. Prepare for next class

  1. Explore the IDE you use most and add ide.md to your kwl with notes about which features it does/not have. (to review/reinforce)

  2. priority Make a table comparing two programming languages you know in languages.md. The table should have 3 columns: one titled "Attributes" and one for each languages. Add one row for each attribute and fill in how that is for each language. Use the following list of attributes and add 1-3 more.

    create a list
    loop (with predetermined number of iterations)
    loop (until a condition is met)
    create a string variable
    cast from one type to another
  3. read about the parts of the developer survey about languages

15.2. More Practice

  1. (priority) Compare at least 3 IDEs for working in a single language. Create favoriteide.md and include your most important criteria with their rankings, how each IDE meets/does not meet those criteria, and a conclusion of which IDE is the best based on your criteria.