Deeper Explorations

If your contract includes that you will complete deeper explorations, this page includes guidance for what is expected.

Deeper explorations can take different forms so the sections below outline some options, it is not a cumulative list of requirements.

Where to put the work?

  • If you extend a more practice exercise, you can add to the markdown file that the exercise instructs you to create.

  • If its a question of your own, add a new file to your KWL repo.

How to get it reviewed?

Follow the workflows for your kwl repo and tag the instructors for a review.

What should the work look like?

It should look like a blog post or written tutorial. It will likely contain some code excerpts the way the notes do. Style-wise it can be casual, like how you may talk through a concept with a friend or a more formal, academic tone. What is important is that it clearly demonstrates that you understand the material.

For special formatting, use jupyter book’s documentation.