Build Badges#


This page is subject to change until the end of the penalty free zone

Proposal Template#

If you have selected to do a project, please use the following template to propose a bulid

## < Project Tite >

<!-- insert a 1 sentence summary  -->

### Objectives

<!-- in this section describe the overall goals in terms of what you will learn and the problem you will solve. this should be 2-5 sentences, it can be bullet points/numbered or a paragraph  -->

### Method

 <!-- describe what you will do , will it be research, write & present? will there be something you build? will you do experiments?-->

### Deliverables

<!-- list what your project will produce with target deadlines for each-->  

### Milestones

The deliverables will depend on what your method is, which depend on your goals. It must be approved and the final submitted will have to meet what is approved. Some guidance:

  • any code or text should be managed with git (can be GitHub or elsewhere)

  • if you write any code it should have documentation

  • if you do experiments the results should be summrized

  • if you are researching something, a report should be 2-4 pages, plus unlimited references in the 2 column ACM format.

This guidance is generative, not limiting, it is to give ideas, but not restrict what you can do.

Updates and work in Progress#

These can be whatever form is appropriate to your specific project. Your proposal should indicate what form those will take.

Summary Report#

This summary report will be added to your kwl repo as a new file where title is the (title or a shortened version) from the proposal.

This summary report have the following sections.

  1. Abstract a one paragraph “abstract” type overview of what your project consists of. This should be written for a general audience, something that anyone who has taken up to 211 could understand. It should follow guidance of a scientific abstract.

  2. Reflection a one paragraph reflection that summarizes challenges faced and what you learned doing your project

  3. Artifacts links to other materials required for assessing the project. This can be a public facing web resource, a private repository, or a shared file on URI google Drive.

Build Ideas#

  • make a vs code extension for this class or another URI CS course

  • port the courseutils to rust. crate clap is like the python click package I used to develop the course utils

  • buld a polished documentation website for your CSC212 project with sphinx or another static site generator