24. Feedback#

See questions asked on Prismia.

24.1. Review today’s class#

this is integrative-2

  1. Add conclusion.md to your KWL repo. In the file include 2 sections: summary with an overall description of what you learned and how this course was/not helpful to you (paragraph or bullet form is fine) key points with the top 10 thigns you want to make sure you remember from this class

  2. Reflect on how this course impacts programming/debugging skills in skillup.md. You can write this as how you think your own skill has improved or as if you are convincing another student to take this class. Touch on at least three topics.

24.2. Prepare for Next Class#

Review the prep from 2023-04-18, nothing new.

24.3. More Practice#

this is integrative-2

  1. Create in_five_years.md and answer the following two questions: What do you think you will remember from this class in five years? What parts of this course’s content do you think will change the most in five years?

  2. Reflect on how this course impacts programming/debugging skills in skillup.md. You can write this as how you think your own skill has improved or as if you are convincing another student to take this class. Touch on at least three topics.

  3. Submit a PR with either advice to future students on how to succeed in the course or on why a student should take this course. Each of those is linked to where you should add your advice.

24.4. Experience Report Evidence#

Answer today’s prismia questions in the summary section of your experience report.

24.5. Questions After Today’s Class#