Syllabus and Grading FAQ#

How much does activity x weigh in my grade?#

There is no specific weight for any activities, because your grade is based on fulfilling your contract. If all items are completed to a satisfactory level, then you earn that grade, if not, then you will be prompted to revise the contract to signal that you are aware you have completed fewer items.

I don’t understand the feedback on this assignment#

If you have questions about your grade, the best place to get feedback is to reply on the Feedback PR. Either reply directly to one of the inline comments, or the summary.

Be specific about what you think is wrong so that we can expand more.

What should a Deeper exploration look like and where do I put it?#

It should be a tutorial or blog style piece of writing, likely with code excerpts or screenshots embedded in it.

an example that uses mostly screenshots

an example of heavily annotated code

They should be markdown files in your KWL repo. I recommend myst markdown.