27. Final Class#

Today we clarified questions and reviewed things from other classes.

27.1. Review today’s class#


This counts for 3 days review

  1. Review the questions from today’s class and write a solution guide for any that you got wrong with notes about what confused you in review.md (to make sure you do not leave with misconceptions)

  2. Add conclusion.md to your KWL repo. In the file include 2 sections: summary with an overall description of what you learned and how this course was/not helpful to you (paragraph or bullet form is fine) key points with the top 10 thigns you want to make sure you remember from this class

27.2. More Practice#


This counts for two days

  1. In surprisingfacts.md explain why each of the following and one additional fact of your own is true. For each fact, include a demo showing that it happens.

    1. rename and move use the same command in bash
    1. `git revert` adds a commit
    1. adding to a large number can result in a negative number
    1. the following would most likely cause an endless loop `while not(i==.3)`
    1. A program without any inputs or randomization in it can give different results each time it is run
  2. For two imaginary projects, compare and contrast different programming languages and git workflows. Choose the two projects so that the best language and best workflow will be different choices. Include a description of each project, your comparisons, and conclusions in projectplanning.md