Grading Policies#


You will get feedback on items at the next feedback period after it is submitted. During each feedback hours (twice per week) you can get feedback on new submissions from up to 2 class sessions and revision feedback on an unlimited number of submissions.


Work does not have specific deadlines, to give you more flexibility, but to ensure timely feedback and to be fair to me at the end of the semester, there is a limit of how much material you can get feedback at a time. The 2 class session limit means that you should aim to complete things within about 1 week most of the time, but no more than 2 weeks to ensure that all of your work can be reviewed.

Makeup Work#

If you have extenuating circumstances and need to submit a large amount of work at once, first submit a PR to your grading contract outlining your plan to get caught back up for approval. Requests will typically be approved, but having a plan is required.


Re-request a review on your Feedback Pull request.

For general questions, post on the conversation tab of your Feedback PR with your request.

For specific questions, reply to a specific comment.

If you think we missed where you did something, add a comment on that line (on the code tab of the PR, click the plus (+) next to the line) and then post on the conversation tab with an overview of what you’re requesting and tag @brownsarahm